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VisiWave v4.0.5 Released

A maintenance release of VisiWave (v4.0.5) is now available for download. If you already own v4.0 of VisiWave, just download the eval version and install it over-top of your current version. Your existing license will continue to work. If you would like to evaluate VisiWave, just download the eval version and try it out.

New features in v4.0.5:

  • Select All 2.4GHz/5GHz APs

    You can now right click on any SSID name in an AP List or
    AP Filter to bring up a context menu. The menu lets you
    select either all APs using 2.4GHz channels or all APs
    using 5GHz channels under that SSID.

New features in v4.0.3:

  • "Merge Survey Files" Not Working With Some Survey Files

    Survey files saved with v4.0.1 or v4.0.2 might produce an
    error when trying to merge them together. The error says
    that the floor plan image files are different (even when
    they aren't). These survey files are now properly
    handled during a merge.

New features in v4.0.2:

  • Difference Heatmap Documentation

    The built-in help now describes what a Difference Heatmap
    is and how to use it. Press F1 from within VisiWave or
    go to the Help menu and select Help Topics to view this

  • Mouse Wheel Changes

    Now pressing the Control key while spinning the mouse
    wheel zooms in and out on your survey map while in Survey
    View. And, pressing the Shift key while spinning the
    mouse wheel scrolls the survey map left and right.

  • AP Marker Properties Bug Fix

    Right-clicking on an AP Marker and changing its properties
    could change the channel number for one or more APs. This
    has been fixed in v4.0.2

New features in v4.0.1:

  • Data Rates vs. Max Rates

    VisiWave now distinguishes between the maximum data rate
    supported by an AP and actual negotiated data rates.
    VisiWave records the actual data rate negotiated between
    the client and the associated AP. It also records each
    neighboring AP's stated maximum data rate. Rates listed
    for an associated AP are the actual data rates. Rates
    listed for a neighboring (non-associated) AP are the
    maximum rates.

  • "Max Rates Only" Property for Data Rate Maps

    Data Rate Maps have a new property called "Max Rates
    Only". Setting this to "Yes" means that only the max
    rates for non-associated APs are included in the
    generated map. Setting it to "No" means that only actual
    negotiated data rates with associated APs are included.
    Setting it to "Both" includes both cases and is what
    VisiWave used to do.

  • Added Data Rate to AP List

    The AP List report type now includes the data rate for
    each AP included in the list.

  • Data Rates Greater than 54Mbps Supported for Neighboring APs

    Now data rates greater than 54Mbps are reported for non-
    associated APs.

  • Channel Bonding Reported

    802.11n and 802.11ac support channel bonding which means
    that more than a single 20MHz channel is used. 802.11n
    supports bonding two 20MHz channels together. 802.11ac
    supports bonding two, four, or eight channels together.
    VisiWave now shows these bonded channels. For example,
    a channel of "149/80MHz" means channels, 149, 153, 157,
    and 161 are all bound together.

  • 802.11 Protocol Now Listed

    The data point details pop-up balloon and the AP List now
    both show the highest 802.11 protocol supported by the AP.
    For example, an 802.11ac access point will list the "Mode"
    as "ac" whereas an 802.11g AP will list the Mode as "g".
    Also, instead of stating an AP is in "Infrastructure" mode
    vs. "Ad hoc" mode, now all APs are assumed to be in
    Infrastructure mode unless "Ad hoc" is listed as part of
    the Mode. For example, an 802.11n radio operating in Ad
    hoc mode will have a Mode of "n/Ad hoc".

  • Data Points with Invalid Channels Now Detected

    Sometimes a wireless driver will return invalid channel
    numbers for the associated AP when the client is at the
    edge of the coverage area. These data points are now
    detected and not listed as part of the real AP.

  • Min/Max Legend Values on Interference Heatmaps

    The minimum and maximum values for the heatmap legend
    for Interference Heatmaps could only be set to
    zero--which means use the default values. Now they can be
    set to actual dBm values just like with regular heatmaps.

  • License Registration Issue

    In very rare cases, the initial registering of a license
    would work for a brief time then the license would become
    unregistered. This case is now properly handled.

  • Non-ASCII Characters in PDF Filenames or Folders

    Previously you couldn't use a PDF document as a floor plan
    image if the file name or folder contained non-ASCII

Original new features found in v4.0.


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