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VisiWave Site Survey v6.0.9 Released

A maintenance release of VisiWave (v6.0.9 ) is now available for download. If you already own v6.0 of VisiWave, just download the eval version and install it over-top of your current version. Your existing license will continue to work. If you would like to evaluate VisiWave, just download the eval version and try it out.

New features in v6.0.9:

  • Fixed Installer Issue

    The installer now includes a DLL if your computer doesn't
    already have it installed.

New features in v6.0.8:

  • Satellite Positioning Now Supports Glosnass

    Devices that support Glosnass satellite positioning now work
    the same as GPS-only devices.

  • Max Data Rates Updated

    802.11ax max data rates were updated to use max operational
    data rates for an AP rather than the max data rate that the
    AP is capable of.

  • Added Notification About the Release of VisiWave v7.0

    When you first start VisiWave, a notice pops up informing you
    that VisiWave v7.0 is now available and you can upgrade to it.
    You are given a chance to upgrade immediately within the

New features in v6.0.7:

  • AP Numbers in Exported CSV and XML Files Were Off By One

    The numbers that are used to uniquely identify access points
    when exporting survey data in CSV or XML files were off by one.
    For example, AP #1 was listed as "0" in the exported data.

  • Improved Handling of Radios with Half Power Beamwidth Antennas

    For Predictive Surveys, you can select the antenna pattern used
    by the access point. Half Power Beamwidth antennas had issues
    handling vertical rotations near 90 or -90 degrees. Also, a
    Gain must be specified for the simulation to have any effect.

  • Improved Predictive Coverage with Non-Floor-to-Ceiling Barriers

    When using barriers that don't go all the way to the ceiling
    and using access points that are mounted high, the predictive
    coverage maps weren't showing sufficient signal loss near the
    barrier on the side opposite from the access point.

New features in v6.0.6:

  • Long Data Collection Times

    A wireless adapter that suddenly took a long time to return
    AP scan results and then on the next scan quickly returned
    scan results could cause VisiWave to get out of sync. This
    would then make VisiWave wait about 10 seconds for all
    future scan results.

  • Memory Leak in Report View

    A memory leak was fixed in Report View. This leak could
    have caused stability issues after checking or unchecking
    many (hundred+) access points in the AP Filter for a
    Heatmap or coverage graph.

New features in v6.0.5:

  • Chanalyzer Not Showing 5GHz DATA

    In some circumstances, VisiWave wasn't showing the 5GHz
    spectrum data when you selected "View in Chanalyzer".

  • Saving PDF Report Files

    The last version introduced an issue with saving PDF
    generated reports. This was fixed with this release.

New features in v6.0.4:

  • Performance Issue with Changing "Group By" in AP List

    When a large number of APs are selected in the AP List and then
    "Group By" is changed, it can take a long time to switch how
    the APs are grouped. This has been fixed.

  • Out-of-Memory Error in Large Surveys When Selecting Many Data

    For very large surveys, loading all the discovered access
    point readings in the Wi-Fi Details view below the map in the
    Survey View could cause out-of-memory errors. VisiWave now
    limits the number of rows that are added to this list.

  • Generating PDF Reports with Non-ASCII Characters in Filenames

    When generating a PDF report, if the filename you enter contains
    non-ASCII characters, images in the report weren't being shown.
    This is no longer a restriction.

New features in v6.0.3:

  • Door & Window Issue With Predictive Surveys

    In some rare cases, the order that doors or windows are
    included was causing VisiWave to hang. The ordering is
    now changed automatically.

  • View in Chanalyzer Issue with Large Datasets

    VisiWave had an issue when using the View in Chanalyzer
    feature when the range included too many data points.
    Chanalyzer would load but no data would be included. This
    situation is now fixed.

  • Google Earth Report Default Extension

    If a file extension wasn't provided for the report file,
    the file was given the extension of KML. But it needed to be
    KMZ for the Google Earth files VisiWave creates. An extension
    of KML would cause the embedded images to display as large

  • Google Earth AP Coverage Maps Issue

    If you generated an AP Coverage map for Google Earth and had
    both "What to Map" set to "Strongest" and "Highlight Overlaps"
    set to anything other than "None", then VisiWave couldn't
    generate the Google Earth report. Note that there are never
    highlighted overlaps when mapping the strongest APs so usually
    this wasn't an issue.

New features in v6.0.2:

  • Set GPS Location Issue

    If "Get Location from GPS Device" was selected from the "Set
    GPS Location" menu item before any data was collected, then
    the program would crash.

  • Channels Under Noise Can't Be Selected When First Adding
    Spectrum Data

    In Survey View in the right pane, the 2.4GHz and 5GHz channels
    under "Noise" can't be selected when you collect the first set
    of spectrum data points. The channels remained grayed out.
    You had to save the survey file and re-load it before you
    could access the noise channels.

  • Predictive Heatmap Issue with Large Survey Areas

    A large survey area (50m on a side or more) could have had
    issues producing accurate predictions when the radio was placed
    near the top of barriers. The simulation had a path over the
    barriers which was making the signal strengths too generous.

  • Channel Maps Weren't Handling Some In-Between Channel Numbers

    Some channels that were "wide" (40MHz, 80MHz, or 160MHz) couldn't
    be selected in a Channel map. Now VisiWave handles all common
    channel numbers regardless of channel width.

  • Rotate Horizontal Wasn't Working for Dipole Antennas

    For predictive surveys with radios set to have dipole antennas,
    the Rotate Horizontal setting wasn't affecting the heatmap
    pattern. It is now functioning correctly.

  • Predictive Heatmaps Had White or Gray Regions

    With a few combinations of Min and Max color legend settings,
    some regions of the colored heatmap would show up as white or
    gray when they should be a dark red (when using the default
    color scheme).

New features in v6.0.1:

  • Added Support for Channel Bonding in Predictive Surveys

    When doing a simulation, you can now set a radio's channel
    width in addition to just its frequency in the 5GHz band.
    You do this by right-clicking on a radio and selecting Edit
    Radio. This allows you to simulate the effects of channel
    bonding. For example, you can select channel 36 and say that
    it is a 40MHz channel to bond channels 36 and 40 together.

  • Issue Fixed with Exporting Simulation Data to CSV

    VisiWave was exporting only half the simulated signal values
    to the CSV file. Every other value in the X direction was
    skipped. Now all the values are exported.

  • Performance Improvements When Selecting Radios in Predictive Mode

    There were a few cases where updating the heatmap in Predictive
    mode took much longer than needed.

  • Allow Merging of Survey Files When Floor Plan Sizes are
    Slightly Different

    Due to some rounding issues, some survey files couldn't be
    merged even though they used the same floor plan image and

  • Half Power Beamwidth Antenna Types Are More Effective

    For Predictive Surveys, the effect of the horizontal and
    vertical rotations for half power beamwidth antennas wasn't
    strong enough. And the rotations didn't match the
    documentation. These issues have been fixed.

Original new features found in v6.0


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